Earnings Disclaimer

Hi. Children’s Book Mastery here.

On this site, we offer courses, live events, and list resources with the intent to help your book and author career.

We don’t guarantee any income from our courses or live events, nor from any of the resources listed on this site. We assume you understand that your success is fully dependent on your own skill level and efforts.

For legal reasons, we must include the following earnings disclaimer on the site:

All content published by and on childrensbookmastery.com offers NO GUARANTEE that our courses and live events or any resources we recommend will produce results or monetary gain for the user. Examples and strategies provided in articles, videos, podcasts, live broadcasts, and other content we produce are based on our personal experience, except where indicated. They may or may not work for your specific book or business idea and are not to be interpreted as a guarantee or promise of earnings or success.

Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you, and the then-current online market.

So, we want you to do well, but we can’t make any promises, as we’re sure you can understand. Good luck! 🙂